Cape Breton Deep Dive - Oct2022 - Resource Page 2

Workshop Videos, Reference Sheets, & Recommendations


Workshop Videos

I will post each edited workshop video here by Tuesday following the Sunday class. The videos are all unlisted on YouTube, and they all have a clickable time-stamp index below them.

CBDD Workshop Video #1 - 16 Oct 2022

CBDD Workshop Video #2 - 23 Oct 2022

CBDD Workshop Video #3 - 30 Oct 2022

Reference Sheets

Cape Breton Power Plays (4-page PDF) - please print this out to use in the workshops.

CB Techniques Summary Sheet (2-page PDF) - reference guide of terminology for CB techniques.

DunGreen Collection Introduction (38-page PDF) - overview of CB history, fiddle style, techniques, & tune modes.


Some CB Players and Recordings that I love (and obviously, this is not a complete list!!):

Angus Chisholm: Early Recordings
Ashley MacIsaac: Close to the Floor, Fine thank you very much, Fiddle Music 101
Bill Lamey: Full Circle
Brenda Stubbert: In Jig Time, Some Tasty Tunes
Buddy MacMaster: Judique on the Floor, The Judique Flyer, Cape Breton Tradition,
Carl MacKenzie: Celtic Ceilidh
Dave MacIsaac: Nimble Fingers, From the Archives
Donald Angus Beaton: Live at the House
Donald MacLellan: The Dusky Meadow
Dougie MacDonald: A Miner
Howie MacDonald (with Ashley MacIsaac): Cape Breton Music Not Calm
Jerry Holland: Master Cape Breton Fiddler, Parlor Music, A Session with Jerry Holland
Joe Cormier: The Dances Down Home
Joe MacLean: Old Time Scottish Fiddle Music from Cape Breton Island
John Campbell: Cape Breton Violin Music
Johnny Wilmot: Another Side of Cape Breton
Kinnon Beaton: Cape Breton Fiddle Compilation (with Betty Lou Beaton)
MacLellan Trio: The MacLellan Trio (Donald, Theresa, & Marie)
Natalie MacMaster: Compilation, Live
Wendy MacIsaac: That's What You Get, Timeline
Winston Fitzgerald: Classic Cuts

Rounder Records series: Traditional Fiddle Music of Cape Breton (various CB tradition-bearer players from four different areas of Cape Breton)

Vol 1: The Rover's Return
Vol 2: Mabou Coal Mines
Vol 3: Bras d'Or House
Vol 4: MacKinnon's Brook

My YouTube channel playlists - to hear and see a variety of CB players in action, and find ones you particularly love.

Alan Snyder's Cape Breton Fiddle Recording Index - a good resource for locating CB artists, recordings, and tunes.